
I’ve been having recurring dreams of driving, the water, being on a boat, for years and I’ve just finally put the dreams and the awake scenes together with an actual event. That summer I spent on an equestrian farm with a group of like minded friends – the hay guy, 38 ish, red scruffy hair and beard, I’m pretty sure I remember his name, but I won’t publish it, instead I’ll call him Liv. He came to the cabin one night and woke me up, said he had a foal to deliver and he had room for one other person. He tried to get Vee to come but she said no, so Gee came. Once in the truck there was another man there also, Liv got me to drink something, I remember him saying, “just take a f*ing drink it’s not going to kill you”. I did and i blacked out – i think he rufied me! I remember coming to and he’s swerving all over the road – blackout – at a boathouse or a dock on a lake – blackout – on a boat in the lake – blackout – at a cottage or something – blackout – on a bed with him, and I remember these scenes between blackouts very distinctly, I’m rubbing his penis through his pants and he is saying, “come on now, I’m not like one of your little boyfriends, I’m going to need more than that. I don’t remember anything else about that whole night other than these scenes. I want to get ahold of Gee to see what if anything she remembers of that night. I already spoke to Jay and Vee, and I’ve searched for Gee online and on Facebook. Vee is going to stop into Gee’s parents next time she’s passing and pass on my number. Gee, just incase you are reading this and recognize yourself, call your parents for my number!
I was 15 that summer – I got raped again just after school started that year. Bummer huh?

About Reviewer Rose

Hi, my name is Rose, I'm no longer in the flush of youth, I have a common-law husband and two teenaged daughters, multiple pets, and more debt than I'm comfortable with! Anything sounding familiar? Well, its all too familiar to me and I plan on changing a few things around here. I'll keep the husband, kids and pets, but some things just need to change! I am embarking on a journey of discovery. Warning, this blog includes discovery of self, writing, learning and growing. There may be posts that you won't be comfortable reading, but I have supressed some things for so long, things I don't want to keep anymore, so will leave them here on these pages. I hope you will follow while I live, learn, heal, try, review and share, and I hope you can grow along with me in my pursuit of betterment!
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